The Long Walk to Bethlehem (Part 2)

Merry Christmas Eve Eve everyone!

Today’s post is going to be all about Joseph. Around Christmas there is a lot of talk about the Virgin Mary and rightfully so because of her incredible conception. But Joseph doesn’t get as much attention as his wife even though he had a large part to play in the Christmas story.

Matthew was the only Gospel to record Joseph’s side of the story when he was visited by an angel in a dream. This part is told in Matthew 1:18-23.

Imagine you were Joseph and your finance told you they were pregnant with the Son of God. What would you do?

If I were him I probably would immediately jump to the conclusion that she was cheating on me and she slept with someone else and was pregnant with their child. Her reason sounds way too impossible to believe. Every Jewish woman dreamed of having the Messiah, but what were the chances that they actually would? Joseph had nothing else to believe so he probably chose the most logical option to believe.

Joseph now has some choices to make. What should he do about his relationship with Mary?

Because Mary and Joseph were betrothed, if she slept with another man it would be considered adultery and if Joseph wanted to announce this publicly, he could have her stoned.

He could also divorce her privately and not tell anyone about it. This would save both of their reputations and Mary’s life.

Joseph’s third choice was to believe Mary’s crazy story and to marry her anyway.

He was going to choose the third option and I don’t blame him. He didn’t want to kill her because he loved her too much and he just couldn’t accept her bizarre excuse about conceiving by the Holy Spirit. He was a righteous man and he didn’t want the whole community to think he had sinned. If he married Mary people might think they had sexual relations outside of marriage.

He was going to divorce her quietly but God had other plans.

God sometimes used dreams to speak to people and there are several instances throughout the Bible like Joseph from the Old Testament and King Nebuchadnezzar. He still uses dreams to talk to people today. God used Gabriel to reassure Joseph that Mary was telling the truth.

Gabriel is one of the only angels to be named in the Bible. Usually angels are just messengers, but Gabriel had a huge message to announce so he was named. He also appeared to Daniel, Zechariah, and Mary.

Gabriel used Old Testament prophecy to prove that Mary wasn’t lying. I love prophecy because it’s amazing to think that God could tell people what was going to happen hundreds of years in the future.

Once again Gabriel tells someone to fear not. But this time he is telling Joseph not to be afraid of marrying Mary. I am sure he was terrified of what people would think if he took a pregnant woman as his wife. But sometimes God calls us to not worry about what others think. His plan was more important than social reputation. We shouldn’t let other people’s opinion interfere with God’s work.

That’s one little detail that I usually skip over during the Christmas story. Joseph actually took Mary as his wife. Not only that but he ignored the rumors swirling around about him and he took care of his wife. He also refrained from sexual relations with his wife until after the baby was born so Mary could still be a virgin. That shows a lot of obedience and self-control. It’s something people don’t usually think about.

So long story short, Joesph was a righteous man who was obedient to God. He loved Mary and he didn’t want to stone her even if he was hurt when he thought she was cheating on him. These little details often get overlooked around Christmas time, but it’s something I want you to think about. 

My next post will be tomorrow for Christmas Eve. If you missed Part 1 of The Long Walk to Bethlehem just check it out on The Walk.

Keep walking in faith this Christmas season,


The Greatest Gift of All

Hey everyone,

I am sorry I haven’t been able to post yesterday. But today I really want to talk about the second week of advent: Love

When you give a gift to someone is there love in your heart?

Usually if you give a gift to someone close to you, you can’t wait for them to open it. Gifts are often a symbol or a token of your love.

Well Jesus is God’s gift to the world. Since the creation of the world God had a plan to send his Son.

As soon as Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God knew the Earth was in trouble and He wanted to save it. The only way to redeem humanity was for someone to die in our place.

The question is: Who would go?

God’s only son Jesus looked at his father and said, “I’ll go. Send me.”

It must have taken every ounce of love in His heart to say, “Alright son. You can go.”

The Bible says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

So Jesus stood up from his throne where he was the ruler of the universe. He dismissed all the angels who followed his every order. He took off his crown, laid down his scepter, and removed his royal robe.

He gave up all of Heaven’s riches and power to rescue us.

And he knew exactly what he was going to face even before he stepped off the throne. He knew he was going to be forsaken by man and even his own Heavenly Father. He knew every excruciating detail of his death and all the pain and suffering that would go with it.

But he went anyway.

Romans 5:8 says “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Jesus humbled himself and stripped himself of all majesty when he came to Earth.

John 1:14 says “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.”

The King of Heaven became a helpless little baby. The Lord of Lords who ruled creation had to rely on his mother and have his diaper changed. He became the lowest of the low for us because he loved us.

1 John 3:16 says “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

Let’s take that verse to heart. Because Jesus gave it all for us, we shouldn’t just sit there and appreciate his love. We should do the same as Christ by giving up ourselves for other people. It could be as easy as running an errand for a senior or shovelling someone’s driveway. The most valuable thing we can give to someone is our time and attention.

This Christmas as we give gifts to other people, let’s pause and reflect on the greatest gift of love that was ever given: Jesus Christ. But don’t just keep that wonderful gift to yourself. Give it away!

If you want to learn more about God’s love I suggest you read the Christmas story in Matthew, Mark, or Luke. You could also read 1 John which is a book that specifically talks about God’s love.

Keep walking in faith my friends,
