Jesus’s Walk to Calvary


Hello everyone,

Today marks the saddest day for Christians as we mourn the death of our Saviour. Although today was a beautiful sunny day in Prince Edward Island, I wish it would have been dark and overcast to match the feeling in my heart.

There’s a passage I was reading in John that really drove home the message of why Jesus had to die. The night he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, I noticed that Jesus was praying for his disciples and future believers more than he prayed for himself. Even though he was about to die, he prayed for you and me. Let that sink in for a moment….Jesus was praying for you in his darkest hour! (John 17:20-26)

From the moment the Lord said “Let there be light,” Jesus already knew man would sin and disobey His Father. God already had a plan for salvation in place to save us all. It was Jesus’s love for us that pushed him to lay down his Heavenly crown and become human. He knew that if he didn’t take our place then we would all be doomed to hell for eternity and separated from God forever.

Jesus endured the torture and mocking because the entire time, he was thinking about us and our desperate need for salvation. 

After he had been whipped, Jesus had to carry his own cross up the road to the hill of Calvary. At this point he was weak from blood loss and blinding pain from the scourging. Lots of people didn’t even survive the whipping, but Jesus still had work to accomplish. He walked with the heavy cross on his shoulder and the crown of thorns jabbing into his head. Every step was agonizing for the Son of God and the crowd jeered at him as he hobbled through the streets.

But as he made his way to Calvary, he had one thing on his mind…you. His love for the world was so strong that nothing could extinguish it, not even death. As he breathed his last breath and released his spirit, he cried “It is finished!” The plan of salvation was opened up and he had made a way for us to be reconciled with our God. And it was all because he loved you.

So when you are complaining about your walk through life, remember the difficult walk Christ took so you could have eternal life. None of it would have been possible if he hadn’t taken that trip up to Calgary’s hill. If he had the strength to finish his walk, then he will give you the strength to finish yours and he will be with you every step of the way. The Bible says “I have told you this so you might have peace in me. Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart for I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Keep walking in faith,
